
Leadership Whidbey Graduation

Come Join us to Celebrate our Leadership Whidbey 2025 Cohort Graduation!

Cohort members will present on projects they have worked on during their time in the program, followed by a celebration of their accomplishments and a reception with light refreshments.

We hope to see you there!

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Leadership Whidbey Scholarship Dinner

Leadership Whidbey Scholarship Dinner

Join us for a night of music, food and community in the name of scholarships to Leadership Whidbey!

Nathaniel Talbot and Keegan Harshman, folk duo from Whidbey Island will be playing our 1st Annual Leadership Whidbey Scholarship Dinner!

We are so excited to offer this incredible opportunity to see Nathaniel and listen to the grounding force of Talbot's clear voice, affecting storytelling and distinctive guitar lines while providing opportunity for meaningful growth and leadership for our community!

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